The official website for the
New Zealand Golden Horse Society Inc.
About Golden Horse Society

The Society was formed in 1980 with a view to providing a Registry for all types of Palomino ponies and hacks throughout New Zealand. Records were kept of changes of ownership, reservation of Stud Names and/or brands and the death of ponies and hacks.
The aims of the Society are:-
To encourage the breeding of Palominos and Creme Gene Dilute
To provide showing opportunities where Palominos may be shown in
Their own right and to promote them as the beautiful animals they are.
These aims were carried out successfully in 1993 the Society was approached as thus expanding – thus leading to the inclusion of Registers for Cremello, Perlino, and Buckskins as part of the Societies interests.
In 2004 the Society opened up the Registry further to include Paints, Pinto, Appaloosas who have a “Creme Gene dilute” colour as part of their base coat colour.
The Society ran its inaugural National Championship Show in 1996 and continues to hold this show annually which is open to all “creme gene dilutes” which are registered with the NZGHS. This has now expanded to include a North island and a South Island Championship show due to the increase of interest.